Rose's Colored Glasses

Friday, November 25, 2005

day, the first

Right now I'm at work and i was thinking there been so much happen this last month and I feel like i need to get it out of my system..... now would be a good time to start that blog I've been wanting to do. So I guess I'll start with a introduction : ) Hi my names Amy and I am Transgendred definitely not the only or even the best adjective for me but it seems that very little in my life is not touched in some way by this fact these days. For starters here at work.. I still am forced to put up the old facade (at least for a little longer as I've gotten the ok from my HR to go full time in January yay!) I remember a time when I put up my front every second of every day but now that work is the only place that I have to it has only made that time more unbearable... maybe the act is wearing thin, or maybe its the being forced to lie to everyone I talk to ........(everytime I answer to that old name everytime I have to keep myself quiet and not talk about the things that I find interesting is not being true to myself and lying to everyone around me) How did I used to do this all the time?

This week has been full of good things too... on monday I went to see my therapist (normally a bad thing as he tends to make me nervous) but he did finally give me my script for my hormones. Honestly I didn't think it was going to be such a big deal over all but after it happened it made me start thinking about everything and I ended up so excited I couldn't help but be happy. When I got to work my friend Billy's reaction was geez your practically I hadn't even taken any yet I was just so happy about it........ ; )

Then there was yesterday.. Thanksgiving. I have been avoiding my family for quite some time, as I was certain they wouldn't understand or even tolerate what I have been going through.. Well all but mom really; she's known for years. Well, this year she ropes me into giving her the ok to pass on my transition information on to my brothers and then coerces me to go to thankgiving with all of them there (guess thats what moms do ...... Lets just say under the circumstances that we grew up in I fully expected them to have a problem with it. Well even though one of my brothers couldn't make it due to illness and another because of jail everyone else was fully supportive. It wasn't even mentioned I was amazed.. I'm not too used to things going smoothly. lol

Well more later : )


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