Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Day, the second

Today I went through and found my name change paperwork, that I as of today have lost 3-4 times... It would be sad that I lose things this much....if It wasn't so funny: ) and set up a meeting with my assistant manager (as my manager who knows about my transition and is supportive is out on leave until god knows when) He's a really nice guy so it should go ok. I did get a lot of my new pic's downloaded so as soon as I get them all loaded up I'll post the choice ones for everyone to see.... Maybe later tonight .. Who knows.

Oh and I nearly forgot I updated my links today : ) I have a couple of transgender boards that I spend a fair amount of time on Transgenderboards (US) and Nuttycats (UK) both have pretty good communities. Crossplay is the very first forum I ever signed up for. It's cross-cosplay I can't think of anything more me than that : ) Venus Envy and Foamy are my fav online comics, Venus Envy is the first comic (online or print) to make me laugh and cry so consistently (erin puts out a great book), Foamy.. Well is foamy ... An angry squirrel trying to talk sense into the masses........ The flash site is starter up steve.. Its a site I've been going to for a long time and in the depths of all the bad flash are some truly funny skits .... So enjoy all ; )


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