Rose's Colored Glasses

Monday, November 28, 2005

late night madness.....

As I lay up stairs the wind blows through the outside the same way worry and doubt blow across my soul. A fire burns within my chest.... is it want? need? passion? greed? gravity pulls harder than I remember when I stand almost as if weights are tied to me pulling me down to the earth, it almost feel as of the need for sleep, but that can not be it , as the listless thoughts and worries have proven that sleep is not what I need..... and then as the truth and as it always does... comes the rain to wipe it clean.... all pent up in loneliness and unexplainable sorrow the rain ... the rain of my tears comes to wash away the corruption of the land....... of my soul so again I can feel renewed........

It seems all of my worst moments are those that are truly unto myself.... that can not be given to another or easily shared.


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