Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Close calls and one last trip around the universe...

Ah.... it been way too long since I have seen the bed...... In my note earlier I mentioned that I couldn't make it to the courthouse in time... I was waiting for John and Christy to come down stairs to see if we could stop and John comes down and says.....It was just on the news that there was a big wreak down town and he said it was just a bit ago and on the corner of delaware and washinton.... this corner is the corner of the courthouse that I would have been going through... It was quite bad as well peopel hospitalized and appearently destabilized a building there.... I wish I had of gotten this filed but maybe it meant to be that I wouldn't make it today.... Good luck from bad I guess....

While I was waiting to leave I decided to surf a bit and see what new info I could find on Douglas Adams and came across 2 books I didn't know about...So long and thanks for all the salmon...and some crazy travel log involving DA, a zoologist, and the hunt for a near extinct lemur in africa... I read an exerpt and it looked pretty good. The reveiws for So long and thanks for all the salmon were all really good... it is a lot of his short stories, corispondence, and the begining of teh 6th hitchhickers book/3rd Dirk gently book... I have to find this book...Any one reading this who doesn't know Douglas Adams......get up and go to your nearest book store now and get the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...If you get it your life will never be the same..... if you don't get it.. it makes a great paperweight.........

I went up north today and played Blue Rose and today was my character homecoming... She come from a conservative theocratic country called Jarzon. She was trained as holy knight called purifiers.......problem is she found her true love who happened to be female.....well she was outed and then run out of the country....(if she didn't run she would have been killed or reprogrammed) she managed to keep the identity of her lover a secret and in leaving protected her.....

However a couple of weeks ago there was a large scale attack on most of the major countries.. so regardless of what might happen we returned to Anya's (my characters) home city (the capital of Jarzon) it was pretty emotional (as emotional as Anya tends to be...) the whole city was under seige and we made contact with an underground resistence group..... and there no evidence that Anya's lover has survived.........I need some time to think about that........ in the course of this game Anya lost her family, her religion and now maybe her lover...... geez shes so different than Eliz.....She keeps getting beat down and she keep comming back for more..... oh well i've rambled too long.......Hope this one didn't bore anyone and be safe all... its beddie bye time : )


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