Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Day, the eighth

Today was much better than yesterday.....but it started yeaterday and I can't seem to shake it.. this feeling of being terribly alone.... I have carrie, billy, and J&C around me all the time between work and home but all of my friends can't really understand whats going on in my head...... and I have met some people who understand in my head but i'm very poor at online stuffs. I did have a very late night conversation with Natalie G. and I think we helped each other calm down enough to get some sleep..... I just miss spending time with people who were close to my same age and had some sort of understanding of me ... Not that carrie and J&C don't do pretty well its just when your around each other all then time it becomes the standard and its just hard to feel a need to explain myself.. none of them ask for it but I just feel a need to... I just need to get out

gonna try to get some sleep .. wish me luck : )


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