Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, March 25, 2006


Hi all, its been a long few days but I've made it through.... I think my brain is starting to work again..... I have been little emotional b*tch over the last few days... I've been trying to get my sprint phone back on. Yay! yea I know you work at sprint but you don't have a phone (gonna cost me like 750$ but I guess I need to start communicating with the world again.... Well I called to see if I had to play a deposit and they kept transferring me to the exact menu that i had been on when I was sent to that rep... it was just a big circle.... all I needed to know was an yes or now answer...... by the time it was all over I was so frustrated I just about cried ( I prolly would have but Billy was working and he would have made fun of me......)

Today started out on a good note though.. I woke up and went down stairs and Christy had put the new issue of Intake (its the yuppie version of Neuvo) on the table... I looked down and saw one of my friends (Ryan Checkeye) on the cover...... It was pretty awesome... Ryan looks some mix between a mad man/sea captain/mountain man... and that just what he looks like on a daily basis.....: ) If you see this issue hes the guy in the center on the ground with what looks like a heiniken in his hand.... he really is one in a million... I need to get in touch with him again. Speaking of old friends I got intouch with Justin (one of my close friends I grew up with) a few days back so hopefully we can get together some time....... Its kind of odd I have been getting back in touch with a lot of my friends..... don't remember if I mention did but I've gotten back in touch with Shannon and Bethann my two best and oldest friends.... so things are going pretty well ....... I'm just glad I shook the depression... its been gone awhile... its the lack of motivation thats been killing

I'm seriously thinking of changing my therapist.... hes a nice guy and all but I don't think were on the same page.... I have few leads so I'm going to see if I can get an appointment on Wednesday... Hope it turns out ok... this will be my third therapist.. The first one I loved but Carrie hated... this one I don't really agree with his method on hormone regimens .... didn't even have bloodwork done on me.... not to mention I always get so embarrassed talking to him that I never end up talking about what I want to I kinda blather on about odd stuff..... I might ask around at the meeting tonight.... (There's an IXE meeting tonight) they're nice people but I don't make it very often so I'm sort of a well known outsider..... better than a wall flower I guess.

Well Thats all the big stuff so Imma get going. Hope everyones well : )


  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger Colleen said…

    What a hassle on the phones! UGH!

    Also did you get any word back on the therapist recommendations? Hope the IXE meeting went ok. Are those decent meetings? Do they cost anything?

  • At 6:55 AM, Blogger rosebride said…

    they're like 5$. There are a lot of nice people there. I'm one of teh younger set but we all get along. If your interested in checking it out let me know. k?: ) When I went to the meeting I asked around and a lot of people said Michele O'mara was pretty good So I'll prolly give her a try.


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