Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, February 09, 2006

mini-vacation !

WOW! I forgot how cool having two days off in a row is.... I usually work two,off one, work 3, off one... This week though I work 5 in a row and was off 2. On Wednesday we went up north to play in our blue rose game with Nick,Wendy and Summer. Blue rose has really picked up and is a lot of fun . However it seems its in its last days as we are completing the huge story arc we've been on for awhile; the next game we have the battle to save our city from the invaders...... It does sadden me a bit that its ending. However, I'm a bit nervous and excited as the next game we're playing is Deadlands . We've played this game before but Nick is running a Deadlands Legends Game... so all of us are bringing our favorite characters. Christy and I are playing Vaughn and Dakota. ( in the previous game these two went from anti-social loners to getting married at the end. t was one of the most amazing campaigns I've ever been in and the characters are meant for each other.... The problem is it was quite awhile ago and my char is Vaughn..... I created vaughn out of some of my families history (maybe I should do a post about that some time) and my idea of the perfect man..... He's cool, quite, tough, and every bit as manly as I could never muster being..... I can't wait to play him but a lot has changed since then... back then I was putting up the front of being a guy all the time and Vaughn was just an extention of that... I haven't had to do that in quite awhile now.... We'll see how it turns out....I'm sure it'll be fine...

Right now I'm sitting at work agonizing..... I need to get my nails done and I want to go get a DDR pad (Damn you Wendy!) Problem is I only have 1 hour for lunch so I can't do both.... The stores for the pad and the nail shops will be closed when I leave from work so its one or the other.... bah think I'll do my nails.. they always make me feel better..... who knows..... If only dilemmas like these were the worst worried I had everyday..... guess that counts today as a good day... : )


  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Colleen said…

    I hope you got your DDR pad! I can bring mine around sometime and maybe we can have a dance-dance fest someday! :)

    Hope you had a great weekend!


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