Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I made it!!!!! (for awhile there I thought I was a goner) lol

Hi all been a hectic couple of weeks.... William my companion in crime at sprint went on vaction to a huge body mod convention in Toronto.... leaving little 'ol me to handle the store all by my lonesome..... this normally isn't a big deal but it was crazy busy, I had a lot of out of town friends in town that I barly got to see because I was working, and due to circumstances I'm off of hormones for awhile......(I'm going to an endocrinologist and due to the florida trip we have been crazy broke for the last month) so needless to say 1+1+1= crazy bitch....... I'm feeling better now as I'm finally off work today, were goingto Chicago to hang out with Nathan and Jess and I finally got off of my lazy butt and dyed my hair.... It always makes me feel better... looking at grey everyday in the mirror has a way of eating at or maybe I'm just crazy vain....

I have been in my spare time trying to catch up on anime. Most notably I finally got a chance to see Pretty cure . Ok I know I'm a sucker for hyper cute stuff butthis show is the inheritor of teh Sailor Moon Legacy. Its cut has bad guys straight for teh 80's has cheesy monsters and possibly teh cutest mascots ever...(Mipple and Mepple ). Only problem is that I can only find the first 2 episodes: ( It has been picked up by a company called 4kids.... Good news is it will be released here soon.... bad news is that a lot of the story and context will be changed.... bah I will prolly end up with both versions.. I'm such a


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Colleen said…

    How was Chicago?! :) Hope you had fun there.

    Eek! What does it feel like to be off hormones? I've heard it's not very comfortable

  • At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I wasn't exactly sure how best to get get in contact with you so hopefully this works. I'm back in town and I was reading in the paper that Gencon is next weekend, and I remember we'd talked about maybe hanging out there because you didn't know if you had anyone else to go with. I'm just making sure you won't be all on your lonesome and reoffering to meet up there if you want. I'm going to try ringing you again at John and Christies, but I don't think they answer the phone unless they recognise caller ID. If you get this call me at home (2831477) or on my cell (2588961).


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