Rose's Colored Glasses

Friday, June 02, 2006

Bat Woman!!!

I hate to do this but its pretty cool news so I'm going to..... Today I was hitting the couple of Blogs I actually read and on Summers( ) she posted that DC was releasing Bat-woman and not only that she's now a lesbian!!! I know in the modern world this shouldn't be a surprise... but considering that The original Bat Woman more than a little sexist (she had an utility purse , caught people in expanding hair nets, maced people with perfume, gossiped about how hot Batman is and was generally looked down upon by the caped crusader) she was a far cry from Wonder Woman for example who was a strong (read domineering) woman.... Sure she got away with it back then because the boys secretly like whole dominatrix imagery (C'mon a lasso that can force any to tell the truth) but the original Bat-woman was a step away from baking Bat-cookies for Bruce and Dick while they were on missions..... Its good to see DC pick up a character that was a failure and attempt to make her modern maybe even interesting who knows maybe they might even pick up some readership..... believe it or not we do read comics ... its not like its the 80's when fan-girls "didn't exist". Her new costume looks kind of classic but has kind of a goth thing to it.... I hope the story is as good as it could be.. thos ewho know me know I am not a DC fan... Except bats and some of his more modern counter parts but I'm willing to give them a shot.. seems like they may treat this some respect...


  • At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Digital Memory sure is becoming cheaper and cheaper and cheaper. I wonder when we will eventually hit the rate of $0.01 to 1 Gig.

    I'm quietly waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 TB harddisk, haha. But for now I will be satisfied with having a 32 gigabyte Micro SD Card in my R4i.

    (Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] Net5s)


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