Rose's Colored Glasses

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the power of the darkside is strong in this one.......

hey hey all. Been a mostly uneventful few days... other than work , taunting Wendy about her sunburn and finally getting t up enough motivation to work on my myspace page (no worries my blog stays here) been sleeping and watching Big love.... even though the season is over the show rocks! and if You didn't watch it Shame on You! Side note: I have started to really love the character nikki from the the show. Shes Bills second wife and she was raised in a poligimist compound.... I think most would hate her, shes pretty crazy over all.. (needs a lot of attention) but she cares about the family first and is willing to throw down if she needs to..... not to mention she is one of th emost manipulative people I've seen in a show.. the great part is everyone just thinks she's crazy. Oh well enough ranting about Big Love ...

I am going to therapy tomorrow.... I have a lot to cover but I'm going to try and keep it paired down.. I have a habit of rambling and I don't want to take over the thing.

I know my space is da debbil but the corruption that festers in my soul made me do it: )


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