Rose's Colored Glasses

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

hi all sorry its been so long... I've been bad! or more acurately I've been pulled into the seedy world of grey market anime (anime not released here in the states yet) .... as you all know I love anime and have for ever.... well I've been far too poor to keep up on it like I would like.... so I kinda fell out of it.... but awhile ago I started watching new series on you tube (read my last post) so I found a lot of new fun stuff to watch... well I rememebred back in the old days when I used to download stuff to watch off the web so I went to check it out... so thats what I've been doing downloading anime and watching it... so that has kept me in pretty good spirits, helping to get me through a long work week. The long work week is good news though.... It leading up to my 11 day vacation and GEN-CON! Todays my last day of work for nealy a half of a month so I'm doing pretty good.

for those who don't know GEN-CON is the biggest role playing convention around and pretty much a mecca of geek culture... so it'll be a lot of fun hope to see some old friends there as well.....

I hope teh last couple of weeks has went well for all of you and if were lucky I might see you this weekend.


  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Colleen said…

    Holy cow! We were supposed to nerd up for this :) I bet it's too late for me to get in!

    Awww darn! Well have a great time off and have fun at Gen-Con, girl. I know it will be awesome there. It always is!

  • At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey there, remember me? i love your blog, i read it all the time. i used to work at v h one. stephanie....miss you....


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