Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Wow this has been awhile...

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days... I haven't been to any of my boards in awhile..... I've been on a high tide for quite awhile now... so I knew that it had to end someday....... A few days ago I went to finally get my Birth certificate changed..... In the past Indiana did not put a gender marker on birth certificates... as a matter of fact on my original it didn't have it.... but now days they do and Mine now has a big M on it and no reprieve unless I end up getting the operation (which I intends on doing anyway) Only problem is we tend to be pretty poor so its going to take awhile to beable to afford it.... I know no one really ever see's your birth certificate..... but as it says M my drivers license (which I got today) as well..... My pic looks pretty good..... my name is correct but I'll get read everytime I get carded for anything... so its been riding pretty heavy on my heart .... I've been unable to really consentrate and I've been horribly bitchy to pretty much every one.. So I just want to say I'm sorry to everyone.... and I promise I'll get my act together as soon as my brain decides to wander back to me. It has been a long time since I felt the strains of depression. I knew it wouldn't ever go away but seeing it had been months I nearly thought it did.... but now I know it for what it is and I'm not going to let it hang around..... I've let it take too much of my life as it is. hope this finds you all well : )


  • At 9:35 AM, Blogger Colleen said…

    Awww hon. :( That sucks. Just keep your head up. It can be hard having setbacks and depression. Just know that you are a great sweetie and that things will get better. I'll try to drop you a line this weekend and we can chat about it or email!

  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I guess this is for both you and Christy, as I know she visits here often as well. Wendy and I have been going through Indiana laws with little luck at trying to find where the state is requiring M or F on the birth certificate. We can find a lot on adoption records requiring it, but unsurprisingly, not much on transgender laws here.

    I am considering asking some people I know of at the State Board of Health (or even local departments) to see if they know what's going on with this. My contacts with them are not strong, but it's worth a shot.


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