Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, January 05, 2006

end of the beginning

Last night was awesome! I had a day off and had NOTHING to do... no doctors appointments no bills to deal with, no games to travel to.... so J&C and I went to the theater and saw Memoirs of a Geisha..... I adore the book and was kinda worried if they would do it justice... well they did more that that the movie was Stunning! I recommend it to any one. The visuals are stunning the audio brilliant and the acting perfect. Book to movie translations can be really bad but in this one they transferred the book to film and held it together very well even the innate emotion of the scenes from the book were there. I want to go see it again.. Which is sad because I've skipped a lot of other movies entirely recently.. But I'm willing to skip them again to see it in the theater. This will be a great movie on DVD but a lot on the texture will be lost I feel. The casting was phenomenal, Michelle Yeoh as Mameha was prefect and her entrance to the story as stunning as it should have been. Both the newer actresses who played Chiyo/Siyuri (the main character) and Hatusumomo (evil were VERY good... not to mention Ken watanabi was the chairman... how can you not love him in everything he does : )
Ceck it out. the site really cool too!

As for today it was just another day at Sprint PCS..... tomarrow thats going to be interesting... It finally here.. The big meeting informing the rest of the store about whats been going on.... I'm starting to get nervous.... I'm glad all the hiding and lieing is nearly over but its just so nerve wracking to explain this to normal people..... its hard to explain well to those who live it .. let a lone people who have no idea...... I so hope it goes well.. wish me luck: )


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