Rose's Colored Glasses

Monday, December 19, 2005

Day, the Twenty-second, take two

Figured I'd post the rest of my sunday... got chased off of teh computer this morning by Carrie had some last minute X-mas gifts to buy...... Other than the game... had a really good sunday... I finally caught up with Colleen on the phone.. It was nreally nice talking too her... I think I rattled on too much (I tend to do We met a month or two ago from the TGboards... she posted about Yay Indianapolis when they passed the last batch of inclusion laws..... I was like Indy? no way.... read her bio and found we had some things in common, talked via email and found we had a lot in common... Hope we get to meet in person soon....: )

The rest of the evening was spen by ordering some chinese and watching Spirited Away by Miyazaki... I love that show... in my opinion Miyazakis best... you can't help but love Chihiro/Sen. If you haven't seen it I highly sugest it.
Also for desert carrie had brought me from teh local international grocery mellon flavored popcicles.. they were like mellon frozen custard...mmnnn.. so good : )

Well back to work : ) later all


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