Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Day, the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth

Yesterday went great! I went to the my doctor and had a very good discussion with him..... told him the things I have recently worked out and he seemed really pleased.... (also complimented my coat : ) ) He also upped my hormone dosage when I told him that it had little effect..... Now my pill bottle is just too big.. think I need to find a cute lil' pill holder or something. Then when I got back from getting the prescription filled Me J&C went to teh new international grocery... It was awesome! It was teh size of a wal-mart.... I got more mellon pops (yay! canalope) and some orchada that you can make at home... I could have spent hundereds of dollars there but luckily I had some will left to restrain myself lol

Today pretty much was just another day at work... the new guy started today.. he seems nice enough.... I'm not sure about him though... doesn't talk much and doesn't seem too terribly motivated.... Hope I'm wrong... Billy and I just got everything in order *pout*


  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger Colleen said…

    Hey Amy! Have a great Holiday weekend :) Congrats on the trip to the doctor. I hope the new dosage works well for ya :)

    Stay warm and stay sweet! Don't get too stuffed on mellon pops.


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