Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day, the Twentieth

Today went rather well.. seems the locals are afraid of and and snow.... no one cam ein today at work so I had all sorts of time to catch stuff up and not be harassed...: ) Carrie stayed home and the plumber came to fix the pipe issue..... Thankfully....

As the big day at work aproaches I've been getting more nervous about these "meetings" where I'm to fill in the rest of the employees about me being trans....... Today one of the guys who have known me forever came by the store and as he's a quasi boss and I didn't want to put him in a tight spot I told him and it all went well... I was kind of worried about it as he is pretty conservative.. but he took it well and was very supportive..... wish I could get so lucky with the lotto : )

well sweet dreams all : )


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