Rose's Colored Glasses

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Day, the twenty-fourth

Hi all... yesterday was quite an emotional day.... It felt good to get that stuff about daddy off of my chest.... Then i went to teh meeting and was getting so nervous I couldn't stand it...... then Perry my boss comes up to me and says.. I think we should post pone your speach till closer to the time when you tell your store... I had to agree..... then as teh day wore on I started feeling worse and worse... I just want this all to be done and over with.... no matter The big meeting looks like it will be on Jan. 6th and I will start coming into work two fridays after that.. It gave me a good excuse to call for some time off so Carrie and I can go see a couple of our close friends in Chicago..(Naa and Jaa) been too long since we saw them : ( oh well off to my therapist apointment.....


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