Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Day, the Nineteenth

Hi all, Yesterday was pretty cool.. got up early and went x-mas shopping..... I know I'm a slacker for waiting so long..... but we went out and got pretty much everyones gifts in 2 stops... it was so cool... we expected to be out for hours shopping and we went to the Greenwood mall... three steps outside of Vonmar and we see a little country type shop.... not really my thing.. I was going to pass it... (last thing I want to do feed the rural feeling among my friends and family) but Carrie saw a gift for her dad.. So we went in and got to looking around and in the mist of a whole lot of chikens and wicker they had some really cool stuff.. We managed to find awsome gifts for most of the people we were looking for (not going to say what right now is a majority of them read this page.......or at least know it exists). Then to polish off everyone else we went to hot topic and we were done.. was very nice... never had x-mas shopping go so easy....

On the down side the horrid weather up north stopped us from going up north to game : ( we did get to play over teamspeak so that was fun. (I found out my characters true love is a live and maybe the the leader of the other resistance cell...Oh, Korrine how I miss you ..... Makes me kind of nervous for Anya though... She's been through a lot since they've been separated...... not the least of which is losing her faith....... She went from a very conservative catholic type.. to an agnostic... she's kind of comming back around to belief in her old God but she'll never be able to buy into the dogma that was the church.... time for reform my guess.........Oh and we named out group (after much debate) Tranquility's Hope......I like it everyone else seemed to as well....

Well I'm off..... about to start work for the day.


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