Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Week one

Hi all!

As of today I have been full time for a week... not a major landmark I know but the fact That nothing bad has happened yet makes me pretty happy.... not to mention just being able to chat with people and react like normal is a HUGE weight off of my shoulders. I haven't had any trouble even though I work with the public (somewhat) I haven't even got weird looks that I've noticed...

In other news I've been playing games off line for a bit Naa got me hooked on Katamari Damacy..... its so cute! lol and I also for reasons I'm not sure off... I felt teh need to update my online avatar on all of my boards today... I went withj a black and white Utena and Anthy pic that I adore.....

Well gonna go now.. I hear the king of teh universe calling : )


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