Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Day, the fifteenth

Ah today.. was a normal day... Almost..... it was nearly a day where I had not a lot to say.. I had planed on posting some article that I had dug back up for a friend... that I though those of you out in cyber land might find interesting... but no not today.......

I recently had a long chat with one of my online friends (Natalie) well we were talking and it came out that there are some eerie similarities between the two of our lives.... kinda like the whole Kennedy/Lincoln thing........ well it is pretty nice to have some one like that cause you know your not alone.. well I went to her blog today to just drop a line and catch up and I gotto reading about some issues she's been having with her pipes freezing......Well fast forward a few hours and Carrie and I head back to our house inShelbyville to feed the cats ect... as we unlock the door I notice that their is condensation on inside of the little windows in the door... I'm like huh...? that weird... I go in the house and here water running.. a lot of water.... I'm thinking my brother mike is there taking a shower...... so I head to the bathroom as the doors open and find water spraying straight up into the air and all over the place..... luckily the water wasn't too deep so we hassle with it a both and decide to head down stairs to shut the water off.... carries not great at this sorta thing.. and to be honest I have no idea what to do...... well we head down stairs and find out why the waters not that deep its all been draining down our vent into the basement........2-3 inches of water down there atm........ well we got it taken care of for now and all is some what well... I think it may have broken carries will though...... Nat... if your reading this I hope your pipe issue went better than mine :)

Well now that I've ranted ... off to bed... nighty night all : )


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