Rose's Colored Glasses

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Day, the Thirteenth

Today I was off work and it was awesome..... for one I got off of my lazy behind and got to the court house and filed for my name change and set up the newspaper legal release so that's out of the way.....Now I just have to get the papers when they come out and go to court early next year.. That made me happy and then I get home and my new coat was here... check it out!

I love it...most of you who know me you know how much of a big deal this last coat was nearly a part of my identity I'd had it so long.... I finally found one that I loved as much and I think looks 100X better on me.... I think this calls for some new pictures...I'll try to get on that soon : ) Yay! hope everyone else day went well.. I think I'm off to bed sweet dreams all " )


  • At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love the coat!! Diva!LOL!!


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