Rose's Colored Glasses

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Day, the Eighteenth

Hi all! sorry for being so late on this one... not that anyone would notice... I spent a fair amout last night trying to figure out how to post a song to play on here while people read.. still couldn't figure it out.

The reason I wanted to is a I found a new band that I really like...(well at least new to me.. its their third album..) the bands name is Lady Tron.. their an english band so their air play over here has been very limited.... I heard them the other night and went cool... There are people out there still making good music ... I was begining to think that rap had wiped out everything else..... kind of gives me hope.... they're a good electronica (sorta) type band..... Go check them out.... the site is

Well back to work... later all: )


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