Rose's Colored Glasses

Monday, December 12, 2005

Day, the Seventeenth

Ah Sunday... the day of relaxation... I think I may have done a little too much of it My brother called off of our sunday game (the 7th sea one) as he was sick and nearly had to go to the hospitial... thats a whole other story... So when we got up we tried to figure out what we all wanted to do....... well no on decided so everyone just kind of lounged around all day.. I'd like to say I feel bad for wasting a day like that but was really nice ...... we did watch the survivor finale! It was pretty neat.. I was a fraid that Steph was going to win ..... (geez I can't stand her.... she always loses and then she cries about losing and teh people on the show are shes an amazing competitor.......that and shes crazy self-centered....bah) well at least she didn't win...... I was hoping that Rafe would win... but I knew he wouldn't... good people always lose that game (with the exception of Tom last season)

Oh well, I'll be back later to fill in todays... lets hope todays uneventful and I don't have to do one... not really feelinmg up to a lot of strife today...: )


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