Rose's Colored Glasses

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day, the sixteenth

Today was a pretty good day.. nothing to complain about really just glad to be off tomarrow.... So i guess I'll get back on track.....recently a friend of mine had interest in the biology behind transexualism..... so I dug up some of my favorite studies and sent them to her.. I figured i'd post them here so anyone interested could look them over......and when i forget where i've filed my printed copies.. I'll will be able to find them again

enjoy .. oh and if anyone knows of other good subjects even remotely connected to the topic please let me know...k? : ) an article on physical brain structure similarities in MtF trans and genetic women a good synopsis of john money's grand experiment with Bruce Reimer. Inadvertently giving solid proof to hard wired mental gender. small under graduate paper on post natal brain differentiation …


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