Rose's Colored Glasses

Monday, May 29, 2006

and the last tidbit....

Well as no one knows when I'm back It might be a bit before you all read this.... when you do go ahead and post so I will know you still read : ) on a brighter note when I got home I got an email back from a site designer I had contacted a while ago to use one of her templates.... so there's going be some construction around here.... and considering that I'm not very good at this kind of thing it may take awhile to get it right. .... I have to try though this design is TOO cute! I'm talking sacarin.... It will be the most hyper fem thing I own... It actually took me a few days of debate if I wanted Roses to be that cute.... so lets hope for the best : )

Nearly forgot, I got back and Dr. Davis had sent the referral letter..... Awesome.....however he used the WRONG pronoun thought the whole thing! not awesome....... of course I take that very personal (as a matter of fact nothing offends me as quickly or as bad as that.) I may not be pretty but there is NO way that any one looking at me can tell my preference, so some one who supposed to know better doing it is unfathomable.
and after working with template all day yesterday I may not be able to get it to work..... I'm just not familiar enough with this stuff.... so Im, going to keep trying to do it or find me some one who can : )

Rest and Recuperation

Since we've been back it's pretty much been a constant stream of sleep and movies.... of Course X3 came out this weekend.... and if it wasn't for my stupid flight I would have seen it at the midnight showing as I had the first two... It is firmly the third best X-men movie ever made.... of course that puts it dead last as X-men movies go but thats only beause the first two were so good. Even though the show had a issues (what happened to Nightcrawler? ) I still loved it.... They captured the feeling of the phoenix/Dark phoenix perfectly. and the phoenix/Wolvie scene about made me cry... Other than That I would say what happens other than no one is safe and Scott finally gets what he deserves..... (its no secret that I don't like Cyc). Then later in the evening we finally went out and saw V for Vendetta It was pretty good. I am kind of surprised it wasn't censored by the government ala Metropolis.

Then last night went to the drive in (Tibbs) and saw the Davinci Code and Silent hill. Davinci Code was good and I am Mckellan stole the show.... Silent hill wasn't bad for a video game adaptation..... I think that none game playing audiences wont get it ... but it made up for it obtusiveness with very impacting visuals... If you don't remember the plot you will remember the images.

Other than that J&C are sick (mostly coughing) and Carrie has Full blown Pharengytis. So Now I'm the only one healthy (hows that for a change)

The long road home

Everything was going peachy (other than the sunburn) that is until the trip home.... we made I to the airport on time everything was a ok..... but the terrible storms and tornados delayed a plane that was coming in from Chicago....our plane, the one taking us to our connecting flight in Atlanta at first it was no major worry a half and hour then and hour but our lay over was long enough that we could still handle the wait.... but it was nearly four hours late and our connecting flight had long since flown....... the issue this created was there wasn't an available open plane seat until Monday( this was Thursday) and both Christy and I were due back at work long before then. I now it seems impossible that there were NO seats available on any air line going into Indianapolis but this weekend was Memorial Day... and what does that mean? come on all the Hoosiers say it together.... THE INDIANAPOLIS 500!!! I know those who don't live here or are not Indy race fans prolly have no idea how ridiculously HUGE this race is. The whole suburb where the race is (the part with the airport) is know as Speedway.... not a nick name but the actual name of this part of town ...(as a side note this is where my store is) as there are people flying in from all over the world there was not a seat to be had in to Indy. So we got a flight to Dayton, Ohio (which was packed ...with guess what Indy car race fans on their way to The race in Indianapolis) so we rented a car and drove the 3 hours home.........

Sunburn and the four-O-seven seven

The flight was uneventful even though it was carries first; I would say that she took to it well as she wanted a window seat on the way home. We made it to Florida and met up with friends of our from CoH/CoV. Getting to meet everyone was great even though I was kind of like a third wheel. Christy and Carrie know them much better than me.. I've always kind of been on the out skirts of the group. It was for the best though as in our third day we went to the beach and I got terribly sunburnt. It was worth it though I had never been to the beach and we snuck into a private portion of Siesta Key beach (from what I'm told one of the best beaches in the world) It was great to be at the sea and not be nervous about just wearing shorts... It was defiantly one of the most liberating things I've done and from what I could tell no one even knew I was trans. There were no weird looks, no comments, nothing; not even when the obvious white supremacist came and sat up next to us (we knew because he had huge SS tattoos on his back and a few other tat's)

At first it seemed that I had managed to keep my burn to a minimum for the first time in my life... I figured with the sunblock and my huge sun hat I should be ok.... but alas it seems that any time I'm in the sun for longer that 30 minutes I'm destined to burn........ as the evening wore on the blisters started appearing on my shoulders and face. It was so bad that for about 3 days I couldn't put a shirt on so I was cooped up in Carrie and I's bedroom... Honestly it wasn't bad. I watched a lot of documentaries and it seems the hallmark channel play 5 episodes of M*A*S*H* in a row everyday. I grew up watching the show so it always cheers me up.

The last day we were there I managed to heal up enough to venture back out into public. So we went to The Ringling museum which was awesome.. the circus museum was interesting but the art museum and like 21 galleries and the Cada 'zan (John and Mable Ringlings house) were amazing. I've always had a fascination with 20's style life and architecture. So if any of you make it to Sarasota Don't miss it.

I'll post pics when I get 'em K? : )


It has been a long time... there is reason however and I'm afraid that with everything that I want to catch everyone up on, that it will be far too much for a single post so I'm going to break it down a little. So with out further ado ....

For those of you who didn't know, J&C,Carrrie and I have for quiet awhile had a plan to go on an extended sabbatical ...: ) as I would be gone for a while, Sprint saw fit to have me work every day leading up to our little vacation...... as vacation was ten days and sprint had me work 9 in a row before that I have been unable to post for most of this month. I did have time after work but it was filled with preparations for the trip and going back to Dr. Davis for the dreaded confrontation....( read older post to get filled in on that)

The trip to Dr.Davis's was a day before Carrie and I went to work. We went in and had good conversation and filled him in on our concerns involving my hormone regimen and requested an introduction letter (before and endo will even look at you you need an OK by a therapist) to and endocrinologist that Michele had suggested... He said he would give us the letter and would send it to our house... so I went on vacation with out having to worry about that. On top of it he seemed perfectly reasonable and consequently made me wonder if my difficulty with him before was all from my perspective... (perfectly reasonable assumption as I do have a tendency to be paranoid about doctors in general)

Monday, May 15, 2006

The speed of life

Hi all I know it been for ever for me.... (nearly two weeks) but I haven't forgotten about you.... Honestly I'm not sure who all reads this anymore... Oh I go on anyway... you all know I have the attention span of a gnat.... I've been preparing myself for the Florida trip... I'm just nervous about meeting new people (who don't know I'm trans) , bathing suits and Hillbilly air port security... I'm sure I'll live... I'll have Carrie, Christy and John to back me up....

I've been spending a lot of time on You Tube They have some of the hardest stuff to get on there.... The Rose of Versailles, The Virgin Mary is Watching and a whole slew of stuff I've been wanting to see. (More Bjork than I could ever watch! Yay!)

I've also gotten back into CoV.. when I've had a chance to play its been a lot of fun. even got to hang out with Colleen (who I recently got to meet IRL ..... : ) ) in the game. Gotta get more time to play before i head to Florida and I'll be too low to run with her..

Work has been hectic... on my 5th day and 3 more to go....... been really busy too.. Of course I'm in speedway and it is May rain or not....

well that's the low down.. I'll be back soon : )