Rose's Colored Glasses

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The long week.....

Hi all sorry for the long wait on posts.... been pretty busy....(haven't even had a chance to play DDR for 3 days : ( lets see.... most of my name change paper work is done. I just have to do the birth certificate thing..... I've been putting it off, I so don't want to drive back out to Greenfield....but once I get it I will have everything I need to get my Drivers License. Hope all goes well.

Went to see my therapist again.... our conversation was nice and he was interested in why I thought thing were gong along so well...... My only answer was " I try to surround myself with good people and I guess it's finally paying off... I brought up the fact that he doesn't have me on any testosterone blockers and he pretty well thinks what he has me on is good. Honestly from everything I've read this is pretty bad for a couple of reasons....I've given him the benefit of the doubt up until now as he's the "expert" but I don't feel safe with his regimen> I'm going to look for an endocrinologist that knows about trans and get their opinion on all of this. If they say its safe good.. if not I'll find a different therapist..... only down side is I have no leads on a trans friendly endo... so I guess I'm back to calling around...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The return of the B*tch!

Hey all hope your all having a better day than I am.... Been cranky since I got up.... Got some hormonal tornado going on in my head or something... Maybe its a lack of sleep or maybe DDR withdraw...... btw I'm getting pretty good at the easiest stuff.... Then I try light and I look like I've been drinking..... Maybe I'll be good enough to make it to standard

Everythings going ok on the name change....I didn't know that it had to say specifically to change the birth certificate..... so I had to retype it and go get it amended.... I have another epic battle scheduled with the health department on Tuesday...... hope it goes well. From every thing I can find the Indiana birth certificate shouldn't have Birth sex on it... but people keep acting like it does... I'll just hope for the best.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

Today is a great day! Not only did I spend all day hanging out and shopping with carrie but yesterday was my name change hearing.... it all went well:) I woke up today legally 100% Amy... i was sure there would be trouble but everything went along smoothly. Then we went to the social security prob, then the bank ....none their either... then we went to the courthouse in greenfield to get my birth certificate changed... and the old goat behind the counter asked if I was born in that county, if I had a court order and looked through all my paper work. Ater she looked through it she had me sit down and she took it to another room and asked some guy about it and then she informed me that the court order had to specifically state that teh birth certificate had to be changed or they wouldn't change it..... of course I said .."is that so" ..... and she said thats the law...... This might seem reasonable if I hadn't been reading up on these policies for 10 years and knowing that 1) indiana birth certificates are living documents and thus changeable and 2) I used the states official name change document... (meaning any one who changes their name in this state uses said document) ... : (

Well everything else yesterday was all roses and today won't be any different. Carrie and I are going to the Melting Pot one of our fav places to eat!

I hope everyone has a great holiday : )

Thursday, February 09, 2006

mini-vacation !

WOW! I forgot how cool having two days off in a row is.... I usually work two,off one, work 3, off one... This week though I work 5 in a row and was off 2. On Wednesday we went up north to play in our blue rose game with Nick,Wendy and Summer. Blue rose has really picked up and is a lot of fun . However it seems its in its last days as we are completing the huge story arc we've been on for awhile; the next game we have the battle to save our city from the invaders...... It does sadden me a bit that its ending. However, I'm a bit nervous and excited as the next game we're playing is Deadlands . We've played this game before but Nick is running a Deadlands Legends Game... so all of us are bringing our favorite characters. Christy and I are playing Vaughn and Dakota. ( in the previous game these two went from anti-social loners to getting married at the end. t was one of the most amazing campaigns I've ever been in and the characters are meant for each other.... The problem is it was quite awhile ago and my char is Vaughn..... I created vaughn out of some of my families history (maybe I should do a post about that some time) and my idea of the perfect man..... He's cool, quite, tough, and every bit as manly as I could never muster being..... I can't wait to play him but a lot has changed since then... back then I was putting up the front of being a guy all the time and Vaughn was just an extention of that... I haven't had to do that in quite awhile now.... We'll see how it turns out....I'm sure it'll be fine...

Right now I'm sitting at work agonizing..... I need to get my nails done and I want to go get a DDR pad (Damn you Wendy!) Problem is I only have 1 hour for lunch so I can't do both.... The stores for the pad and the nail shops will be closed when I leave from work so its one or the other.... bah think I'll do my nails.. they always make me feel better..... who knows..... If only dilemmas like these were the worst worried I had everyday..... guess that counts today as a good day... : )

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bored at work : )

Well here I am at work .... its not slow but I have had some time this evening ... and instead of searching the net like a usually do I decided to take our demo tech phone and take some pictures...... they're all of me and not too exotic but i hope you all enjoy: ) of course I'm crazy vain so I deleted like a hundered just to get

So what one does everyone like best let me know : ) k?

oh and I did these two for fun...

now your all prolly sick o me : b

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My B-day!!!

For those of you who didn't know Yesterday was my B-day and I have to say it was teh best one i rememeber : ) on top of it being my first being out wardly Amy ... (usually holidays and B-days really depressed me) I got to relax! Doesn't happen too often.... I got a gift card for fasion bug (which I think I might use to help pick up something for Valentines : ) ...... I got The sequal to Katamari Damacy.. (I've been playing it WAY too much, think I'm at the end) Then there were the DVD's I got Mr & Mrs. Smith (I know it was fluff action but how much hotness can be in one movie?) I got my very own copy of Moulin Rouge! (I have seen it a bunch but they were all rentals and borrows) and to top it off I got teh whole series of Earth 2 This is one of my all time favorite sci fi shows... I hadn't seen it since it originally aired.... This is a great show! but its so unknown that I didn't think they'd ever release it ... but I was wrong.... makes me want to start a cult to get Earth 2 sequels done... what would we call it Earth2.....2?