Rose's Colored Glasses

Friday, January 27, 2006

Yay! today!

Hi all : ) fiured I'd drop a line as I haven't been very active on the boards this week. Wednesday we went up north and played Blue Rose/Evernight. Its getting pretty interesting... Anya finally got to speak with her true love Korrine... It was pretty emotional. Both Anya and Korrine are involved in fighting off the foriegn invaders. in two different parts of teh country and had seen each other since long before that. (Since Anya was chased out of the country and outcast from her Order of Knights when the church found out about her and Korrine's "unholy" relationship) kinda funny now that now the countries been destroyed everyone is looking to us for guidance.... : )

Today is Christy's b-day. we got her some a really nice over shirt (like the white one I have) and a pair of Butterfly jeans she was coveting... Carrie made a cake and all and to top it off Nick and Wendy are coming down for tonight and tomarrow! yay!...... I don't think summer can make it : ( Oh and speaking of Summer she bought me We Love Katamari for my B-day (which is feb. 1st : ).....) I am so addicted to it I sit around humming the songs all day......Its a good thing though. If I wasn't I would have went out a blew money on DDRII abd a dancepad We still haven't recovered from Chicago and with the plans carrie has for Feb... it will be awhile yet till we do.

I might have to bad on Sunday though. Transamerica comes out today ... hope its showing some where around here.... I feel kinda wierd about seeing a "trans based" film in the theater... not sure why I think its because i've never had an option to

well back to work

Monday, January 23, 2006

Movies! yay!

Ah yesterday was so great! Not for anything special but because it was kinda normal for a change... we got together and played 7th Sea... It was a great game. Our group is making its way through War torn Castille back to my character homeland Montaine...where there seems to be a revolution brewing! ..... This could be bad as my character is a noble..... Eliz is a defender of the people but she has a secret identity (the other nobles would get very angry if they knew that "the White Cat" that was regularly stealing from them was consistantly invited to their parties...(oh the scandal) The problem come up that the peasants don't know shes on their side either... I could be killed by either side! We'll see how it plays out........

Then we went out and saw 2 movies... Carrie wanted to see Underworld 2 and I wanted to see Tristan and Isolde... Tristan and Isolde was great! its the clasic love triangle (where Arthur/ Guenevere/ Lancelot comes from I'm told) but unlike previous "Arthur" movies The made Marc (the lord) very personable I actully felt bad for him.... Most authur movies taht deal with that love triangle I always feel hes a bit of a *ahem*.... The a lot of goor romance and action in it.. I think anyone could enjoy it....(even if getting shot by an arrow is no big )
Underworld2... well I wasn't impressed..... I never saw teh first but it gave a run down of what happened so I wasn't lost...... Werewolfs are pretty much hairy deformed Humans and vamps are kung fu, matrix-ites... then is the transform the look like ugly versions of The Master from Buffy season 1...... It did have teh guy who played teh priest in 5th Element in it... so that was kinda cool..... I really hope the main actress is not picted to play Alita in teh Battle Angel movie.... (internet rumor seems to be going that way) I like her a lot but she's not Alita... not even close.....

well I've blathered on long enough...... later all : )

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Week one

Hi all!

As of today I have been full time for a week... not a major landmark I know but the fact That nothing bad has happened yet makes me pretty happy.... not to mention just being able to chat with people and react like normal is a HUGE weight off of my shoulders. I haven't had any trouble even though I work with the public (somewhat) I haven't even got weird looks that I've noticed...

In other news I've been playing games off line for a bit Naa got me hooked on Katamari Damacy..... its so cute! lol and I also for reasons I'm not sure off... I felt teh need to update my online avatar on all of my boards today... I went withj a black and white Utena and Anthy pic that I adore.....

Well gonna go now.. I hear the king of teh universe calling : )

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The return! : )

Hi all I know it been forever but I've had a lot going on so......I'm gonna fill you all in in one super deluxe post.... hope I don't bore you ; )

Well, this last weekend Carrie and I were going up to see Naa and Jaa as I had a few days off till I went into work full time...YAY!!!! So to get things ready I called in on Friday and got all of our stuff loaded in the car and went and got my hair permed and my nails done.....It is so much nicer not having to use the stupid curler for like an hour every morning...blah.... but now that I'm set at work I can do these little things that make life easier... and I look better too : ) and I don't have to repaint my nails everytime I want my nails to look ok... not to netion these seem to put up with the abuse of work better than my natural ones....... So I'm feeling better and have more time in the day. Not to mention a whole day doing tons of errands including getting the car worked on and got mam'd the whole time .... My confidence is pretty good these days but every little bit helps : )

Carrie and I did the drive Chicago and there were no issues we listened to Fionna Apple the whole way both Tidal and her new release (which is pretty good btw) Naa and Jaa took us around to the the shops on Saturday alone we pretty much spent all of our (200$ at ulta will do that) oh yea Ulta ...I love that place we have one here in indy but I try to stay out of it so I don't spend all of our money but they have the best base for my skin tone and its light so I don't feel weighted down I hate heavy feeling make up....... but under the circumstances I can't go au'naturale just yet...: ( . but Studio Gear helps out a lot with that ... check them out

As it happens Jess rented the first series of one of my fav sows too... dead like me. Its a really funny show about grim reapers and they're troubles... George is so cool in a sarcastic kind of way and it has many Patinkan (sp) in it.

We ended up going to a little store called TooCool that is all anime related stuff and I finally found a planner I like. On our way there were were pulled into the payless there nand I found a pair of the coolest airwalk moonboots (like from when I was little) for like 11$ I hope to get pictures of this stuff up for you all pretty soon... I need a digital camera ....

As for work everything is peachy.... I'm out have have been Amy there for the last two days... its going well... I think it surprised them I look much better as Amy than I did before lol kinda hard to believe ... may just be in my head or maybe its the confidence... hard to say........ Work is so much better now it all pretty much the same thing but Its just a lot more comfortable now..... I should've done this years ago... I'm not sure the world was ready back then .....or maybe it was me..........

Naa also got me hooked on Katami Damecy.... it is so fun! it came out years ago but you play the prince of the universe who is trying to recreate the stars after your father destroyed them all in a rage... the way you do it is you take this little sticky ball and roll it around and make stuff stick to it... you start out tiny tiny and you keep rolling till you can pick up people and then buildings : ) the sound track is really catchy as its a mix of J-pop and lounge so you can't help but be happy when you play lol .... damn Naa I was trying to get out of gaming too.... it takes up too much time.......

Recently as well some close friends of mine have told their family (their family is pretty conservative) we will have to see how all of that goes.... my real worry is their children who their planning on telling soon. The kids are 4 and 6 I imagine they will both do well with it as I get along well with them both but you can never be too careful at that age... i know its not like it will turn them trans (biological <-----) if its not handled right it may cause other troubles... so if any one has any good ideas let me know ...k?

Well thats teh short version of my life atm... I hope all is going well with all of you... I hope your all having fun but not running into the being broke troubles we have now created for

Monday, January 09, 2006

Day after day...

Everythings been very calm at work and most of the staff has been doing really well with my name..well all but one.... but I'm sure she'll come around.... I have actully made it through the last 2 days at work with out getting really crabby (thats a record lol) I used to be depressed everyday after work but with them not calling my old boy name all the time it makes a world of difference......

We didn't get to game yesterday as I had to work: ( but two more days and we get to go up to Nick and Wendys to play Blue Rose yay! then two more days of work and I get to go up to Chicago to see Naa and Jaa.. That will be fun, its been far too long since we got to hang out with them:)

Well off to work, have a great day all: )

Friday, January 06, 2006

Just like that the worst is over.....

Today was the day.. the day that I let everyone at my work know what was going on.. they seemed to take it well.. ... So much so it has me paranoid.... they asked very few questions but every one has been great.. everyone has been calling me by my correct name or by no name which is fine with me... I actully made it through a whole day at work with out getting depressed! Several people were very suppotive .. most notably Lorrine and Nate (and ofc billy) so it was really nice. I nearly forgot with all teh excitement.... Carrie and I got the new Fiona Apple album... Its really really good! the first listen is kinda odd but the more you liten to it the more addicting it gets: ) so go check it out! Got a few names of new bands (new to me) to check out too.... I'll let you all know if I find anything really cool... Oh yea that reminds me .. I bought the unisef-army of me cd and found a new band named Grisbi.. theyre really cool. they're just releasing their first album..... go check em out.. they have 60 second clips of their music on their site.. I really like hollywood and not in love.......

Enjoy all and sweet dreams all " )

Thursday, January 05, 2006

end of the beginning

Last night was awesome! I had a day off and had NOTHING to do... no doctors appointments no bills to deal with, no games to travel to.... so J&C and I went to the theater and saw Memoirs of a Geisha..... I adore the book and was kinda worried if they would do it justice... well they did more that that the movie was Stunning! I recommend it to any one. The visuals are stunning the audio brilliant and the acting perfect. Book to movie translations can be really bad but in this one they transferred the book to film and held it together very well even the innate emotion of the scenes from the book were there. I want to go see it again.. Which is sad because I've skipped a lot of other movies entirely recently.. But I'm willing to skip them again to see it in the theater. This will be a great movie on DVD but a lot on the texture will be lost I feel. The casting was phenomenal, Michelle Yeoh as Mameha was prefect and her entrance to the story as stunning as it should have been. Both the newer actresses who played Chiyo/Siyuri (the main character) and Hatusumomo (evil were VERY good... not to mention Ken watanabi was the chairman... how can you not love him in everything he does : )
Ceck it out. the site really cool too!

As for today it was just another day at Sprint PCS..... tomarrow thats going to be interesting... It finally here.. The big meeting informing the rest of the store about whats been going on.... I'm starting to get nervous.... I'm glad all the hiding and lieing is nearly over but its just so nerve wracking to explain this to normal people..... its hard to explain well to those who live it .. let a lone people who have no idea...... I so hope it goes well.. wish me luck: )

Monday, January 02, 2006

Day, the ????

WOW! has it really been that long? Have to say sorry all, its been a really long holiday. It went really well for ,e. Went to family xmas and all was well. Hung out with friends, played a 10 trial of DDO. (Its pretty cool) Got a watch that I absolutly love , ( Need to get a pic) had a quiet new years and here I am back at work. I hope every one had a great time and you all have a safe new year: )